Commercial Soap Vs Natural Soap

Exactly How Much Do You Know About The Ingredients In Your Favorite Soap Bar ?

Commercially produced soaps are not actually soap. Many of these soaps contain chemical-based colorants, dyes, chemicals that aid in hardening, lathering agents, preservatives and countless ingredients we are unable to pronounce. These additives can disrupt and upset our sensitive skin and even our hair. Many people are unknowingly allergic to the “detergents” used in these soaps. A distinct difference in commercial and handcrafted soap is how they are made. Commercially produced soaps are mass produced in large factories by machines. Most of us are unaware of the working conditions and cleanliness of the factories where their soap is made.

Did you know, most soap companies are unable to call their product a “soap?”  The FDA states, 'ordinary soap is made by combining fats and oils and an alkali; such as lye.’ Commercially produced products are not soap but actually a combination of artificial cleaning agents. They are forced to call their product a cleansing bar or beauty bar but never a soap bar because it does not meet the qualifications for that label. Don’t take my word for it. The next time you are in the store, look at the ingredients list of your most used soap bar. How many ingredients do you think you will recognize and are able to pronounce?

If you’ve watched any of my Facebook Lives via Monique Janelle Soap Co, you’ve heard me say that commercially produced soaps lack a vital ingredient: Glycerin. Most mass producing soap companies remove this naturally produced and beneficial ingredient from their soap. Glycerin is a humectant, meaning it draws moisture to our skin and softens it. You are most likely asking why do they remove the glycerin. They remove the glycerin so that it can be used in more expensive beauty products, such as moisturizing creams and lotions.

Think about this for a second. Have you ever taken a shower, and afterwards your skin feels tight and dry? These companies have tricked us into thinking this means our skin is clean. In fact, it means the opposite. The unnecessary and harsh chemicals added in the soap, strips your skin of its naturally produced sebum oils. Sebum oils are produced in the sebaceous glands. This oil aids in helping to hydrate the skin and protect it from potentially harmful pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi and viruses from penetrating our skin. It also protects the skin from UV radiation. In order to eradicate your dry, itchy skin, you are forced to purchase additional skincare products . This without question increases the company's profits. 

Natural Soaps are Different

Unlike commercial soaps, natural soaps are often locally produced with fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Handcrafted soaping is rising in popularity as it is very enjoyable to create. Natural soap is made with care in small batches. If a soap company's main goal is their profit line, they usually will not commit themselves to natural soap making due to the higher production costs. The majority of natural soap makers are passionate about health and the environment. Monique Janelle Soap Co utilizes the tried and true soap making method called Cold process soap making. This method requires a  4-6 week curing process along with much love and attention.

Natural Soap Contains A Nourishing Ingredient 

The best reason to use natural soap would be for its ingredients. Handcrafted soap contains glycerin. As stated previously, this important naturally occurring ingredient in handcrafted soap will aid in keeping your skin soft as it naturally draws in moisture. It's naturally produced during the soap making process. In short, its the process of emulsification, when oils and lye are combined. After emulsification, saponification begins. This is the process that turns oils and lye into soap. Lye is a vital and safe ingredient. You can not have soap without lye. No lye remains in the soap after the saponification process.  Handcrafted soaps are made in smaller batches, by hand to ensure quality control and not with machines.

One of the best qualities of natural soap bars are its oils. All of the oils and butters that go into making the soap will come out in the soap bar. All skin nourishing oils; such as Olive oil, Sweet Almond oil, Cocoa Butter, etc. will maintain their skin loving qualities in the final product. Making natural soap is akin to baking. Simply put, you get out what you put in them. After using handcrafted soap you will notice a difference in how it makes your skin feel. Your skin will not become irritated but rather be nourished, naturally.

Natural soap is a gentle soap. It's perfect for those who may have sensitive skin and all ages.

Our skin is the largest and only exterior organ on our bodies and more often than not, the first to touch and absorb chemicals, toxins and other substances in commercial products. If you’re using a product daily, you should want it to be 100% safe to use.  All skin types can benefit from its use. Soaps bars made by Monique Janelle Soap Co are made with the finest non-toxic and food grade materials. When you purchase handcrafted soaps, you are supporting a small local business and economy. 

Let's settle the debate.......

It looks like natural soap is the best option for our skin. I am not surprised that so many people are switching from commercially made products to natural soap. Many of those that switch say that they notice a difference in the feel and appearance in their skin, almost immediately. By eliminating synthetic ingredients and unnecessary chemicals that are so harsh on our skin, you can boost your overall health and improve your well being. Ultimately, natural soap is a far better option for your skin. 

If you’ve been searching for a safer alternative to conventional soap, take a look at my Nourishing Soaps Collection. These soap bars will make the perfect gift for a friend or loved one. 

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